Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Science with Mr Rendle

Yesterday we had Mr Rendle come to give us a science lesson. He had a stick that showed us static electricity.  he said he bored it from harry Potter but he dent he put underwater it spade at us. He showed us lots of toy cars one car could go on 4 wheels, 2 wheels and 1 wheel it was cool.We where supposed to tell us a about flying.
By Chloe
Mr Rendle told us about a gyroscope. It is a thing that helps planes and cars etc.. Some people got to have it in there hand and spin your wrist. A gyroscope spins around and tries to keep itself up, but it spins on an angle. When the people held it they said it felt like the gyroscope was moving your wrist!
In this photo Mr Rendle got Jaden to stand up and pour some water out of a thin bottle cap. The he used the wand to push the water away. It was very cool.



1 comment:

  1. What an exciting time you all had. The teachers enjoyed it too! Isn't it great to have an expert share their passion with you.
    It sounds like Mr Rendle shared lots of interesting science information with you.


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