Thursday, April 25, 2013

ANZAC Service at School

Demi and Oakley represented our school very well at the service this morning.A big crowd turned out and a large number of Airforce cadets.Lots of Harewood families came to remember the soldiers who fought in the wars.
Everyone enjoyed a sausage sizzle at St James church afterwards.

Have a look at these web sites:
ANZAC alphabet
ANZAC Puzzles
ANZAC Slide Shows


Friday, April 19, 2013

What we want to be when we grow up

Our Student Councillors organised a dress up day to raise money for the charity hospital.Can you guess what we want to be when we grow up?


Thursday, April 18, 2013


ANZAC Biscuits

100 grams butter
1 table spoon of golden syrup 
½ cup of sugar
¾ cup of coconut
¾ cup rolled oats
¾ cup of flour
1 tea spoon of baking soda
1table spoon of hot water

Melt butter and golden syrup.

Mix water and baking soda
Add to the butter and golden syrup mixture

Mix sugar, coconut, rolled oats, and flour
Add dry ingredients to golden syrup mixture and stir well

Bake approximately 15 minutes at 180 degrees

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Our Pop Art and Andy Warhol

We studied everyday items and printed them in four squares on a bit of paper. We coloured each square in a different colour and created pop art. We studied about Andy Warhol who has made famous popular (pop) art. Andy was our inspiration to start pop art. Andy took everyday items like Soup cans,Singers and many other things and turned them into extraordinary art.

We took a photo of our faces and printed them in black in white. Once our faces were printed we  made them  into pop art.When making our pop art we used primary, secondary colours they look amazing. To know how to make them look before making our pop art we looked up some of Andy Warhol's pop art. It was very very very fun making these.

We took a photo of ourselves with a digital camera then we got some bright colours and coloured in our photo to make our pop art. We copied Andy Warhol.

Tidy Kiwis New Costume

Tidy kiwi is a little kiwi that goes home to a different persons house every week.Last week Tidy came to my house.I made him a vampire costume. I also made his cousins something each.I made a  laptop a crown and a jacket. This is a picture of me kiwi, his cousins and my little kiwi.Katerina